Shortness of breath can occur suddenly, due to various things. Anyone is expected to know first aid shortness of breath, because it can prevent sufferers experience stopping breathing which can be fatal.
Shortness of breath can mean someone feels not getting enough air, can't breathe freely, or feel breathless. This condition can occur at any time, whether walking, running or even sitting.
Stages of First Aid Shortness of Breath
Shortness of breath is often caused by heart or lung disorders, including heart attack, congestive heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, asthma, or respiratory infections. In addition to heart and lung disorders, shortness of breath can also occur due to heartburn, injury to the neck or due to near drowning. When experiencing shortness of breath, a person usually shows signs of rapid breathing, looking anxious and restless, drowsy or looking confused, blue lips, difficulty speaking, and excessive sweating. If you see someone experiencing shortness of breath, here is the first aid you can do:- Immediately move the patient to a safe place and let him rest.
- Help sufferers position their body as comfortable as possible, either by sitting, standing, or lying down.
- Loosen the patient's clothes.
- Do not give any food or drink, and help sufferers to take their personal medications, such as asthma medications.
- Accompany sufferers until medical assistance arrives. Avoid assuming that the condition is good even though the complaint has subsided.
- If the sufferer of shortness of breath previously injured the chest and neck, avoid excessive movement.
Shortness of breath that needs to be watched out for
You should be aware of the condition of shortness of breath accompanied by the following symptoms:- Difficulty sleeping due to shortness of breath.
- Respiratory tract infections.
- Bleeding cough.
- A cough that doesn't go away after 2-3 weeks.
- Sweating at night when the room temperature is cool, or losing weight without cause.
- Panting while doing light activities.
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